A growing trade deficit is an economic reason for limiting trade.But what about moral, humanitarian and ethical reasons to think twice before doing business with China.China occupies Tibet, throughout the country individual freedoms are curtailed, and human rights are abused.
Or is everybody ok with that stuff as long as you can pick up a good deal in Wal-Mart?
China has “occupied” Tibet for ages dude, get your history straight. Do you realize that many countries in the EU have “occupied” other countries as well? The US “occupies” Hawaii, I don’t see you complaining about that.
This problem will end up solving itself.Currently China (and the rest of the world) is willing to sell us their goods in exchange for our dollars because they believe that those dollars are stable and will maintain their value. As the amount of the dollars in circulation grow and as our government continues deficit spending, the value of the dollar will drop relative to other currencies. When this happens, those imports will become more expensive and our exports will become more affordable, helping to balance the trade deficit. The other part of the this picture is also interesting. To keep the yuan fixed in value to the dollar, the Chinese Central Bank has to buy dollars and sell yuan on the foreign exchange market. In doing so, they build up huge reserves of dollars (currently set to pass $1 Trillion) and put inflationary pressure on their currency. This technique, known as sterilization, delays the inevitable - the appreciation of the yuan against the dollar.
So, the macro-economic forces will force a trade balancing between our two countries. It’s definitely a “when” and not an “if.” The thing to worry about is whether the shift will be gradual or not.
不用担心,这个问题会自己慢慢解决的。中国目前愿意卖给我们东西换取美元是应为他觉得我们我们的美元很稳定,并且能够增值,但是如果我们美元印的太 多了并且政府不断实行扩张赤字的政策,我们的美元就会贬值。如果这样发生了,我们进口的货物价格就会变高,输出的货物就会很便宜,这样问题就解决了。